Have you ever gone to a concert and left with a new favorite band? This is the story of how the melodic hardcore band out of Los Angeles called The White Noise stole the show from Anti-Flag, Sharptooth & Stray From The Path. Before we jump into the show we must say that the entire Silence = Violence tour lineup put on amazing sets. Stray From The Path, Sharptooth, & Anti-Flag all had powerful anti-racism and equality messages behind their music accompanied by a killer soundtrack.
Back to The White Noise, now if you are like us we weren't very familiar with The White Noise besides their latest video release of "Picture Day" which you can watch below.
Fans always debate on when the best time to arrive at a show is. Is it at the very beginning so you can get the best spot and see all the acts? Or do you come later in the show, avoid lines and see the headliners. With us, we decided to go early and stake out a spot, and we were lucky. If we had missed The White Noise, the show wouldn't have been even close to the same.
Instead of talking on and losing your attention we went through and highlighted the craziest parts of the night for you:
The White Noise gives a speech for Punk Rock Saves Lives about how taking 5 minutes of your time to take a swab test can save someone with cancers life. They went on to note that only 1 out of 750 people are a match and that it is through being a community that we tackle these issues.
The White Noise takes on stage movement to another level; Shawn Walker (singer of The White Noise) jumps over the pit into the crowd to join the mosh and continue singing along.
Bassist David Southern drives the melodic music when he begins singing the chorus for "Bloom" one of the bands most energetic songs.
Shawn Walker sends fan airborne for first crowd surfing experience. (We talked to the fan after the fact and he said it was more than he could've ever wanted in a concert.)
Now if you're as curious about The White Noise as we were after seeing them, here is even more reason to dive head first into their music!
The White Noise resembles bands such as Architects, Rise Against & Stick To Your Guns. All these bands put real meaning behind their music and try and send a message with their songs. The only difference is the young guns in The White Noise have already started being compared to these icons while only having one full LP release. Listening to The White Noise is like getting a wave of adrenaline come over you. The music uplifts you and makes you feel as if you have super powers and can take anything on. If you don't believe me listen to their song "Bite Marks" below.
You may be asking, what about the crowdsurfing you mentioned before? Well you are in luck, tap in below to view the video of Shawn Walker teaching a fan how to crowd surf for his first time.
The White Noise performing their song "Bite Marks" Live
If you want to learn more about The White Noise you can checkout their website TheWhiteNoiseBand.com and Fearless Records website
They have a limited supply of vinyl so make sure to grab a copy online before they are gone!
Find a copy of their most recent release on vinyl here!

Shawn Walker and David Southern of The White Noise at their merch table after the show